The Ax

by Donald Westlake

Burke Devore is a manager of a specialized polymer paper line. Or rather, he was until he was job eliminated and they moved the line up to Canada. He thought getting a new job would be easy but two years later, he is finding that there are others who are better candiates or sell themselves better at the interview for the few job openings in the paper industry. So he has a plan... and methodically sets out to kill the six other out-of-work polymer paper managers who stand between him and the job he wants.

Westlake is known as a comic novelist and while there is a bit of dark humor to the theme, this book was intended as a novel, not a comic novel. So the laughs that I was expecting for the first 100 pages didn't come. Still, a very good book for anyone who has ever been outsourced or squeezed out of a job.

Three Gristlanos!